Oban has become to go-to library for background jobs in Phoenix. Even though you could argue that you could accomplish the same functianlity with pure Elixir, using Oban abstracts a lot of complexity away.
Oban persists the jobs in a Postgresql table so you dont need to worry about what happens to scheduled tasks during deployment.
To install Oban, run the command:
mix saaskit.gen.kit oban
And since it stores the jobs in the dtabase, there is a migration that needs to be run.
mix ecto.migrate
defp maybe_schedule_onboarding_emails({:ok, user} = result) do
%{id: user.id, step: "one"}
|> Tutorial.Users.OnboardingWorker.new(schedule_in: @one_day)
|> Oban.insert()
%{id: user.id, step: "two"}
|> Tutorial.Users.OnboardingWorker.new(schedule_in: @two_days)
|> Oban.insert()
In this example, I would like to send an onboarding email after the user has signed up.
And then create a worker:
defmodule Tutorial.Users.OnboardingWorker do
use Oban.Worker, unique: [fields: [:args, :worker]]
alias Tutorial.Users
alias Tutorial.Users.UserNotifier
@impl Oban.Worker
def perform(%Oban.Job{args: %{"id" => user_id, "step" => step}}) do
user = Users.get_user!(id)
UserNotifier.deliver_onboarding_email(step, user)
Visit the official documentation to learn more.