Included Features

Features are code for app features that you can copy paste into your project or just learn from. They are written very general with a purpose and you will need to make the final customizations so it suits your project.
There is a mix of features that are tailored for the SAAS Starter but some works with any Phoenix project.

Installable Features Released Coming Up
404 and 500 Pages (Read more)
Account Switcher
Admin (Read more)
App Template
Cachex caching (Read more)
Campaigns Feature
Chatbot with ChatGPT
Command Palette (Read more)
Component Library
Daily Data Reports by email
Deploy to Render
Feature flags with FunWithFlags (Read more)
Flash Autoclear
Flowbite Components
Fly deployment
Git Api
HTML Emails
Oauth Login
Oban background jobs (Read more)
One Off task when server boots
Signup component (Read more)
Store Traffic Source
Stripe Payments
Teams (Read more)
Two Factor Authentication
Typeahead component
Vector embedding
Waffle File upload
Wallaby browser testing